Hank Felsman
May 24, 2017
The Worst Place in Singapore
I have 24 hours in Singapore and know very little about the city. But it is hot, and because I am on vacation, after all, it makes sense...
Z Nalywayko
Apr 5, 2017
Smokin' Betty
Betty is a short woman, powerful but small. She is a veritable bundle of energy and movement, all wrapped up in the body of someone scant...
Hank Felsman
Mar 23, 2017
Love and English as the Global Second Language
The Korean language is effectively a Chinese dialect that had long used Chinese characters. When King Sejong, in 1650, created a new...
Hank Felsman
Mar 7, 2017
Grandma and the Horror of the iPad
Grandma has lived alone for the last seven years, without a computer or smart phone. She doesn’t e-mail, and she sure as hell doesn’t...