BlockRadius Staff
Mar 19, 2020
Climate Change Therapy - Ep. 20 - Robert Ball, Lars Mikelson, and "Pseudonym" Fix
Welcome back to Climate Change Therapy. On today’s (3/18/20) episode, host Hank Felsman and architect Robert Ball call up their friend...
Hank Felsman
Jul 4, 2017
Methuselah's Lifespan, Measured In Moons
There are many possible explanations for why Biblical time contradicts time as we know it today. One is that years were calculated...
Hank Felsman
Jun 6, 2017
The Psychological Impact of the Human Lifespan Suddenly Doubling
In the past century alone, the average human life expectancy has more than doubled. In 1900, growing up, you might expect to live 31...